Tech Note B004-20: Introduction to Cold-Formed Steel Framing Standards
Summary: The AISI Committee on Framing Standards was established in 1998 with a mission to eliminate regulatory barriers and increase the reliability and cost competitiveness of cold-formed steel framing in residential and light commercial building construction through improved design and installation standards. This Tech Note summarizes the efforts and work products of the Committee.
Disclaimer: Designs cited herein are not intended to preclude the use of other materials, assemblies, structures or designs when these other designs demonstrate equivalent performance for the intended use. CFSEI documents are not intended to exclude the use and implementation of any other design or construction technique.
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Tech Note F140-16: Welding Cold-Formed Steel
Summary: In cold-formed steel construction, welding is a viable connection method. Of the various forms of welding, arc welding is most commonly used to join both cold-formed steel members and hardware components. Prefabrication of roof trusses, panelization of walls, and hardware connections are all ideal applications where welding may be the preferred joining method. This Tech Note provides information on the applicable codes, processes, procedures, design considerations, fabrication and inspection.
This Technical Note updates and replaces CFSEI Technical Note F140-10
Disclaimer: Designs cited herein are not intended to preclude the use of other materials, assemblies, structures or designs when these other designs demonstrate equivalent performance for the intended use. CFSEI documents are not intended to exclude the use and implementation of any other design or construction technique.
Tech Note G101-08: Design Aids and Examples for Distortional Buckling
Summary: The objective of this Tech Note is to provide design examples and design aids specific to cold-formed steel framing systems that address the new distortional buckling limit states added to AISI-S100 in the 2007 edition. In addition, a method is provided for including rotational restraint, provided by sheathing to members, in the design calculations for distortional buckling. This method has been proposed for the next edition of AISI-S210 (floors and roofs) and AISI-S211 (walls studs) standards and partially mitigates the reduced capacity in the distortional buckling limit state.
Note: This document was originally published as G100-08, corrected to G101-08 in April 2011.
Disclaimer: Designs cited herein are not intended to preclude the use of other materials, assemblies, structures or designs when these other designs demonstrate equivalent performance for the intended use. CFSEI documents are not intended to exclude the use and implementation of any other design or construction technique.
Tech Note G000-08: Cold-Formed Steel Design Software
Summary: This Tech Note gives basic information about computer programs available for the design of cold-formed steel framed buildings, structures, and structural elements. It is not necessarily a comprehensive list, but is based on the best available information to the CFSEI at the time of publication. It is not intended to endorse or exclude any particular software program.
Disclaimer: Designs cited herein are not intended to preclude the use of other materials, assemblies, structures or designs when these other designs demonstrate equivalent performance for the intended use. CFSEI documents are not intended to exclude the use and implementation of any other design or construction technique.
Tech Note 551e: Design Guide: Permanent Bracing of Cold-Formed Steel Trusses
Summary: Prefabricated and site fabricated cold-formed steel trusses have proven to be efficient and structurally-sound roof structures. While roof trusses are the major component of the structural roof system, permanent bracing is also required to complete the system and ensure that it performs as designed. In this Tech Note, the basic requirements and design parameters for permanent bracing of cold-formed steel roof systems will be reviewed.
Disclaimer: Designs cited herein are not intended to preclude the use of other materials, assemblies, structures or designs when these other designs demonstrate equivalent performance for the intended use. CFSEI documents are not intended to exclude the use and implementation of any other design or construction technique.
Tech Note G801-13: ASTM A1003 – No Cause for Rejection
Summary: Building codes and design standards that reference ASTM International (ASTM) A1003 standard for cold-formed steel framing products have the potential to cause confusion and project delays for those who are unfamiliar with the requirements of this new material standard. This Technical Note, first published in 2008, provides a comparison of the requirements of A1003 with the more familiar standards traditionally used for cold-formed steel framing products, and demonstrates that steel ordered or furnished to the old standards should be no cause for rejection. The 2013 revision references a change to the requirements of ASTM A1003 regarding material thickness when ordering or supplying steel sheet.
Disclaimer: Designs cited herein are not intended to preclude the use of other materials, assemblies, structures or designs when these other designs demonstrate equivalent performance for the intended use. CFSEI documents are not intended to exclude the use and implementation of any other design or construction technique.
Tech Note S200-20: Design of Cold-Formed Steel Systems for Raised Platforms, Stages and Theater Seating
Summary: It is common for cold-formed steel (CFS) to be used in the construction of raised platforms, stages, and theater seating. It is the intent of the Technical Note to provide an overview of considerations to address when designing such framing, along with some design examples.
Disclaimer: Designs cited herein are not intended to preclude the use of other materials, assemblies, structures or designs when these other designs demonstrate equivalent performance for the intended use. CFSEI documents are not intended to exclude the use and implementation of any other design or construction technique.
Tech Note F501-11: Cold-Formed Steel Truss To Bearing Connections
Summary: This Technical Note is intended as general educational information and to highlight what the building designer should be aware of with regard to truss to bearing connections. Topics addressed include what loads due to wind truss to bearing connections may have to resist, who is ultimately responsible for truss to bearing connection design, general guidance on the design of truss to bearing connections, and an illustrative design example. Loads due to seismic forces are not addressed in this Technical Note.
Disclaimer: Designs cited herein are not intended to preclude the use of other materials, assemblies, structures or designs when these other designs demonstrate equivalent performance for the intended use. CFSEI documents are not intended to exclude the use and implementation of any other design or construction technique.
Tech Note F101-12: Screws for Cold-Formed Steel-To-Wood and Wood-To-Cold-Formed Steel Attachments
Summary: Screws are often used to attach cold-formed steel (CFS) framing to wood members or wood structural panel decking to CFS joists or rafters. The AISI North American Specification for the Design of Cold-Formed Steel Structural Members (AISI S100) provides design equations for screw connection capacity for CFS members. The National Design Specification for Wood Construction (NDS) provides design equations for fastener/connection capacity (nails, wood screws, bolts, etc.) in wood members. The Engineered Wood Association (APA) and the building codes offer several resources for determining the capacity of screw connections attaching wood sheathing. This Tech Note reviews these resources and discusses design and detailing of these fastener connections.
Disclaimer: Designs cited herein are not intended to preclude the use of other materials, assemblies, structures or designs when these other designs demonstrate equivalent performance for the intended use. CFSEI documents are not intended to exclude the use and implementation of any other design or construction technique.