Tech Note G101-08: Design Aids and Examples for Distortional Buckling


Summary: The objective of this Tech Note is to provide design examples and design aids specific to cold-formed steel framing systems that address the new distortional buckling limit states added to AISI-S100 in the 2007 edition. In addition, a method is provided for including rotational restraint, provided by sheathing to members, in the design calculations for distortional buckling. This method has been proposed for the next edition of AISI-S210 (floors and roofs) and AISI-S211 (walls studs) standards and partially mitigates the reduced capacity in the distortional buckling limit state.

Note: This document was originally published as G100-08, corrected to G101-08 in April 2011.

Disclaimer: Designs cited herein are not intended to preclude the use of other materials, assemblies, structures or designs when these other designs demonstrate equivalent performance for the intended use. CFSEI documents are not intended to exclude the use and implementation of any other design or construction technique.


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