Tech Note T201-20: Firestops in Head-of-Wall Joints for Cold-Formed Steel Construction
Summary: The selection of fire-resistive joint systems is aided by an abundance of listed options. This same abundance can make it difficult to find the fire-resistive joint system that not only meets project requirements but also the most project-friendly. Firestop manufacturers conduct training programs for installing contractors, architects, building officials, and others who would like to learn more about fire-resistive systems. Specialty firestop contractors can help with understanding project-specific opportunities. Both UL and FM offer certification programs for firestop contractors to help ensure consistency across the industry. Moreover, it is important to note whether a project will require special inspection of firestops systems. For example, 2018 IBC, Section 1705.17, lists requirements for special inspection of firestops in certain high-rise buildings. There are companies that focus on offering special inspection services. For recommendations or further learnings, please contact your firestop provider. The firestop industry is focused on improving life safety in the built environment through improved passive fire protection.
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