Webinar on Practical Allyship – 5 Actions Anyone Can Do to Promote Inclusion at Work
Continuing Education Credits Available – 1.5 PDH Credits
Creating an inclusive work environment is not just the “right thing to do.” Inclusive behaviors are tied to higher levels of individual performance and firm profits; yet creating and working in an inclusive work environment often feels elusive, as evidenced by the fact that almost two-thirds of workers are disengaged at work.
In this interactive session, you will learn about the business case for inclusive work cultures and five simple actions anyone can take to create a more inclusive work environment for those they work with, regardless of current role or firm size. Applicable to everyone from new graduates to CEOs, these strategies have been shown to create a more inclusive work environment while requiring little time or budget to implement. When implemented consistently, these strategies create better work cultures for everyone and improve the retention of coworkers in traditionally marginalized gender, racial, and ethnic groups. You will leave this session empowered with specific actions you can immediately apply to engineer inclusion in your everyday interactions.
Presenter: Stephanie Slocum, P.E., Engineers Rising LLC
Stephanie Slocum, P.E. is the founder of Engineers Rising LLC and author of “She Engineers: Outsmart Bias, Unlock Your Potential, and Live the Engineering Career of your Dreams.” Stephanie shines light on the barriers to the retention of engineers and provides practical training, inspiration, and mentorship through her online platform and programs. She is a champion of inclusive work cultures.
Stephanie is the current chair of the Structural Engineering Institute’s (SEI) Business Practices committee. She is currently serving as an elected member of SEI’s Board of Governors and is a member of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Task Committee on the Code of Ethics. She is a winner of the 2020 Connected World’s Women in Technology Award for her work empowering women in engineering. Prior to founding Engineers Rising, she worked in structural engineering building consulting for 15 years. She holds bachelor’s and master’s degrees in architectural engineering.
In order to receive credit for this course, you must complete the quiz at the end and pass with at least 80% for a certificate to be generated automatically

Webinar on Progressive Collapse Design in Cold-Formed Steel Structures
Continuing Education Credits Available – 1.5 PDH Credits
Progressive collapse guidelines for DoD buildings were first introduced in 2001 to provide design requirements to reduce the potential of disproportionate collapse for new and existing DoD facilities in an extreme blast event. The guidelines are published in the Unified Facilities Criteria UFC 4-023-03, Design of Buildings to Resist Progressive Collapse, and are applicable to buildings (3) stories and taller. Since cold-formed steel (CFS) framing is a potential construction material in mid-rise load bearing wall structures for DoD facilities, it is essential for CFS engineers to learn practical methods to analyze and design CFS framing to resist progressive collapse. This presentation will introduce the main concepts of structural design to mitigate the effects of progressive collapse in buildings, then will review IBC building code and UFC 4-023-03 requirements and design methods for progressive collapse, then will discuss the differences between the direct and the indirect methods of design. Focusing on CFS load bearing wall structures, the presentation will discuss how to qualify the structural components of the building (walls, floors and roof) for the progressive collapse analysis and what analysis/design tools to use. A worked design example for a multi-story building will be presented and discussed with a focus on how to deal with sizing framing members and connection details.
Nabil Rahman, Ph.D., P.E.
FDR Engineers, PLLC
Dr. Rahman is a Principal at FDR Engineers in Raleigh, NC. He is a past chairman of the Cold-Formed Steel Engineers Institute (CFSEI) and was the 1st recipient of John P. Masten Distinguished Service Award from CFSEI. He is also a past chairman of ASCE-SEI Committee on Cold-Formed Steel and a member of the CFS Committee on Specification and Committee on Framing. Dr. Rahman has a vast experience in design and fabrication of CFS framing, as well as product development and software development. Dr. Rahman obtained his Ph.D. from McMaster University in Canada. Prior to establishing FDR Engineers, he was a Research Fellow at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada, a Faculty Member at Cairo University in Egypt, an Adjunct Professor at North Carolina State University, and the Director of R&D at The Steel Network in Raleigh, NC. Dr. Rahman has been a blast consultant on several CFS projects, including load bearing barracks buildings and roof structures. He is also a named inventor on seven US patents and the author of over 50 research papers and technical notes.
In order to receive credit for this course, you must complete the quiz at the end and pass with at least 80% for a certificate to be generated automatically

Webinar on Roles and Responsibilities for Success with Cold-Formed Steel Framing
The webinar will be presented as a panel interactive session, with Jeffrey Klaiman, P.E., principal in charge of structural engineering at ADTEK Engineers, Inc. as the lead presenter. Panelists will include Don Allen, P.E., director of engineering at Super Stud Building Products, Inc.; Kenneth Pagano, P.E., cold-formed steel truss design engineer at Scosta Corporation; and Patrick W. Ford, P.E., senior project manager at raSmith. The webinar will: Introduce AISI S202, Code of Standard Practice for Cold-Formed Steel Structural Framing and describe how this standard was developed and is maintained. Describe the roles of various individuals and entities in a cold-formed steel framing project. Identify new items and changes in the 2020 edition of the Code of Standard Practice. Provide examples of items in the Code of Standard Practice and how they can be used in actual projects. Include a panel discussion with the authors and users of the standard.
Jeffrey Klaiman, P.E.
ADTEK Engineers, Inc.
Jeff has almost 30 years of experience in the construction industry. His responsibilities include building maintenance and engineering; on-site engineering for a concrete contractor; Manager of Technical Services and Versa-Truss Product Manager for Dale/Incor (national manufacturer of cold-formed steel framing products and systems), participation on the American Iron and Steel Institute’s Committee on Specifications for the Design of CFS Structural Members and Committee on Framing Standards; a member of CFSEI for more than 15 years; ASTM International and the SFA. Mr. Klaiman serves as chairman of the Standard Practices Subcommittee of the AISI Committee on Framing Standards, chairman of the SFIA Technical Committee, and is also the president of MASFA. He is a past president of CFSEI. In his position at ADTEK Engineers, Inc. as Principal in Charge of Structural Engineering, Mr. Klaiman oversees the design and coordination of all cold-formed steel design documents. He also manages in-house staff in four offices for general structural and CFS framing design, develops project schedules, and coordinates quality control reviews with project managers on his team. Mr. Klaiman holds a bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering from the University of Michigan, and an MBA from Eastern Michigan University.
Don Allen, P.E., S.E., LEED AP
Super Stud Building Products
Don Allen, P.E., S.E., LEED AP, is an internationally known expert in cold-formed steel design, and currently serves as director of engineering for Super Stud Building Products. He chairs the AISI Education Committee, is actively involved in the development of ASTM and AISI standards, and has designed projects in Europe, Africa and North America. In addition to working for steel product manufacturers, Don has spent more than a decade in private practice and served over nine years as technical director for the Steel Stud Manufacturers Association (SSMA), the Steel Framing Alliance (SFA) and the Cold-Formed Steel Engineers Institute (CFSEI). At Super Stud, Don is actively involved in product development for multiple product lines including steel framing, MgO structural floor sheathing, steel structural wall panels, exterior insulation and finish systems (EIFS), and steel doors.
Kenneth (Kenny) J. Pagano, P.E.
Scosta Corporation
Kenneth (Kenny) J. Pagano, P.E. is the cold-formed steel truss design engineer for Scosta Corporation headquartered in Sebring, FL. Kenny also serves on the AISI Committee on Framing Standard’s main Committee as well as the Framing and Standard Practices Sub-Committees. Kenny maintains an office outside of Palatka, FL where he is an Adjunct Professor for the Engineering Technology department at the local college – St Johns River State College.
Patrick M. Hainault, P.E.
Patrick M. Hainault, P.E. is the cold-formed group leader at raSmith in Brookfield, Wisconsin. His experience includes engineering design and staff management with raSmith and Matsen Ford Design Associates, Inc., where he was a principal and senior engineer for 21 years. His expertise includes application of the latest technologies and design concepts to a wide variety of primary and secondary structures, including prefabricated systems. In addition to specialty expertise in cold-formed steel, his engineering systems design experience includes structural steel, reinforced concrete, engineered masonry and wood. He was a structural designer for a concrete reinforcement supplier and a technician for a national material-testing firm. Patrick is a member of the SFIA Technical Committee and the AWCI Construction Technology Committee. He is a registered Professional Engineer in Wisconsin and several other states. He earned his Bachelor of Science degree in Civil Engineering from Marquette University.
In order to receive credit for this course, you must complete the quiz at the end and pass with at least 80% for a certificate to be generated automatically

Webinar on the Built-Up Member Design Considerations
Continuing Education Credits Available – 1.5 PDH Credits
What can be done when a structural member requires a high-load capacity? The common solution is to design a built-up profile consisting of two or more cold-formed steel (CFS) framing sections. Built-up profiles use common CFS framing members, such as shear wall boundary studs, floor joists, stud packs and headers. This webinar will review the applicable AISI S100, North American Specification for the Design of Cold-Formed Steel Structural Members and AISI S240, North American Standard for Cold-Formed Steel Structural Framing design provisions for two types of built-up profiles — built-up compression members and built-up flexural members. The webinar will review the member limit states of global buckling, local buckling and distortional buckling. It will also provide guidance for achieving adequate interconnection of the individual profiles.
Presenter: Roger LaBoube, Ph.D., P.E., Cold-Formed Steel Engineers Institute
Dr. Roger A. LaBoube is Curator’s Distinguished Teaching Professor Emeritus of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering and former director of the Wei-Wen Yu Center for Cold-Formed Steel Structures at the Missouri University of Science & Technology. Dr. LaBoube holds B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in Civil Engineering from the University of Missouri-Rolla. He has an extensive background in the design and behavior of cold-formed steel structures. His research and design activities have touched on many facets of cold-formed steel construction, including cold-formed steel beams, panels, trusses, headers, and wall studs as well as bolt, weld, and screw connections. Dr. LaBoube is active in several professional organizations and societies. He serves as chairman of the American Iron and Steel Institute Committee on Framing Standards and is an emeritus member of the AISI Committee on Specifications for the Design of Cold-Formed Steel Structural Members. He is a registered professional engineer in Missouri.
In order to receive credit for this course, you must complete the quiz at the end and pass with at least 80% for a certificate to be generated automatically
Price: $100

Webinar on the Cold-Formed Steel Classroom: Understanding the Fundamentals Behavior of Cold-Formed Steel Members
Continuing Education Credits Available – 1.5 PDH Credits
The concepts of cold-formed steel behavior and design are not typically taught in engineering schools and therefore engineers are often required to self-teach these concepts. Therefore, if you are an entry level structural engineer, or a seasoned veteran, this CFSEI lecture is intended to provide a fundamental understanding of the some of the behavior and design principles for cold-formed steel members and connections. Roger will draw on lecture materials used in his semester course and three-day short course to explain the unique aspects of cold-formed steel behavior and design principles of AISI S100. The seminar will also discuss the roll-out of a new CFSEI Six-Hour lecture series that provides an overview of cold-formed steel member and connection behavior and design.
Presenter: Roger LaBoube, Ph.D., P.E.
Wei-Wen Yu Center for Cold-Formed Steel Structures
Dr. Roger A. LaBoube is Curator’s Distinguished Teaching Professor Emeritus of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering and Director of the Wei-Wen Yu Center for Cold-Formed Steel Structures at the Missouri University of Science & Technology (formerly University of Missouri-Rolla). Dr. LaBoube holds B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. in Civil Engineering from the University of Missouri-Rolla. Dr. LaBoube has an extensive background in the design and behavior of cold-formed steel structures. His research and design activities have touched on many facets of cold-formed steel construction to include: cold-formed steel beams, panels, trusses, headers, wall studs as well as bolt, weld, and screw connections. Dr. LaBoube is active in several professional organizations and societies, including a member of the American Iron and Steel Institute’s Committee on Specifications for the North American Specification for the Design of Cold-Formed Steel Structural Members and chairman of the AISI Committee on Framing Standards. He is a Registered Professional Engineer in Missouri.
In order to receive credit for this course, you must complete the quiz at the end and pass with at least 80% for a certificate to be generated automatically

Webinar on The New AISI Shear Wall Design Guide – AISI-D113-19
Continuing Education Credits Available – 1.5 PDH Credits
The webinar will provide an overview of shear wall design principles as presented in AISI D113-19 including: Load Path; Wind and Seismic Considerations; Type I and II Shear Wall concepts; Shear Wall Deflection. Design examples will also be presented.

Presenter: Robert L. Madsen, P.E., Devco Engineering, Inc.
Robert Madsen is a Principal with Devco Engineering, Inc. in Enterprise, Oregon where he specializes in the design of cold-formed steel framing. He serves on the American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI) Committee on Specifications (COS) and Committee on Framing Standards (COFS), where he is chairman of the Lateral Subcommittee. He is also chairman of the Technical Review Committee of the Cold-Formed Steel Engineers Institute (CFSEI).
In order to receive credit for this course, you must complete the quiz at the end and pass with at least 80% for a certificate to be generated automatically

Webinar on the Wonderful World of Buckling
Continuing Education Credits Available – 1.5 PDH Credits
A thin compression element of a cold-formed steel member – such as a flange or a web — may buckle before it reaches its yield stress. Thus, cold-formed steel design involves estimating the influence such buckling has on the strength of a beam or column.
What are these buckling conditions? How do they differ in their behavior? This webinar will explore the basic buckling behaviors encountered as one designs a cold-formed steel beam or column. Emphasis will be placed on the fundamental behavior and highlight the design expressions that enable an engineer to estimate buckling strength.
Join Roger LaBoube, Ph.D., P.E., on this journey through the wonderful world of buckling.
Presenter: Roger LaBoube, Ph.D., P.E., Cold-Formed Steel Engineers Institute
Dr. Roger A. LaBoube is Curator’s Distinguished Teaching Professor Emeritus of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering and former director of the Wei-Wen Yu Center for Cold-Formed Steel Structures at the Missouri University of Science & Technology. Dr. LaBoube holds B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in Civil Engineering from the University of Missouri-Rolla. He has an extensive background in the design and behavior of cold-formed steel structures. His research and design activities have touched on many facets of cold-formed steel construction, including cold-formed steel beams, panels, trusses, headers, and wall studs as well as bolt, weld, and screw connections. Dr. LaBoube is active in several professional organizations and societies. He serves as chairman of the American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI) Committee on Framing Standards and is an emeritus member of the AISI Committee on Specifications for the Design of Cold-Formed Steel Structural Members. He is a registered professional engineer in Missouri.
In order to receive credit for this course, you must complete the quiz at the end and pass with at least 80% for a certificate to be generated automatically
Price: $100

Webinar on Updates to the AISI North American Specification and Standards
Continuing Education Credits Available – 1.5 PDH Credits
The American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI) has been involved in the support of research and the development and maintenance of cold-formed steel codes, standards and specifications for 90 years. AISI sought American National Standards Institute (ANSI) accreditation and was approved as a developer of American National Standards in 1999.
AISI S100, North American Specification for the Design of Cold-Formed Steel Structural Members and the suite of AISI framing standards are the referenced documents for cold-formed steel design in the International Building Code. Every few years, AISI updates the Specification and standards to add new provisions based on the latest information from research and industry. These updates can deliver improved methods for analyzing members, provide new considerations when designing members and connections, and directly impact the design of floor, wall and roof systems. This webinar will review all of the relevant changes to these AISI documents and how they are intended for implementation into the applicable building codes.
Presenter: Jon-Paul Cardin, P.E.
American Iron and Steel Institute
Jon-Paul currently serves as a codes and standards engineer for the American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI). In this position, he represents the interests of the steel construction industry in the national codes and standards arenas. Specifically, Jon-Paul is active in the International Code Council (IBC, IRC), ASCE 7 and NFPA 5000, as well as the AISI Committee on Specifications and AISI Committee on Framing Standards. Prior to joining AISI, Jon-Paul served as the engineering manager for a steel framing manufacturer. He holds Bachelor of Science degrees in both Civil Engineering (Structural) and Mathematics from the University of Idaho.
In order to receive credit for this course, you must complete the quiz at the end and pass with at least 80% for a certificate to be generated automatically
Price: $100

Webinar on Vibration Serviceability of Floors with Cold-Formed Steel Framing
Continuing Education Credits Available – 1.5 PDH Credits
Cold-formed steel (CFS) joists and trusses have high strength-to-weight ratios and good overall economy, so they are popular choices for floor framing members. As is the case with most types of floor systems, CFS floors are potentially susceptible to vibrations due to walking and other human activities. This webinar will raise awareness of the importance of vibration serviceability by describing two forensics projects with lively CFS floors. The literature contains several floor vibration evaluation methods that might be applicable to CFS floor. However, unlike other materials, there is not a widely accepted and practical vibration evaluation method for CFS floors. Potential evaluation methods will be discussed.
Presenter: Brad Davis, Ph.D., S.E., P.E.
University of Kentucky
Brad Davis is an associate professor of civil engineering at the University of Kentucky where he is responsible for all steel design coursework and has received awards recognizing excellence in teaching. As the owner of Davis Structural Engineering, LLC, he provides consulting services for structural vibration, forensics and advanced steel design applications. He is a member of the AISC Committee on Manuals, and is a co-author of AISC Design Guide 11, Vibrations of Steel-Framed Structural Systems Due to Human Activity. Brad has published approximately two dozen journal and conference papers on vibration. He earned his Ph.D. from Virginia Tech and has eight years of experience in building design. He has S.E. and P.E. licenses in 14 states.
In order to receive credit for this course, you must complete the quiz at the end and pass with at least 80% for a certificate to be generated automatically