Tech Note W104-23: Top Track Load Distribution Members
This Tech Note Updates and Replaces Tech Note W104-10
Summary: When in-line framing is not adopted as the structural framing scheme, the top track must be relied upon to provide load distribution. This Technical Note explores design issues and provides design guidance for some of the typical top track load distribution members and systems.
Disclaimer: Designs cited herein are not intended to preclude the use of other materials, assemblies, structures or designs when these other designs demonstrate equivalent performance for the intended use. CFSEI documents are not intended to exclude the use and implementation of any other design or construction technique.
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Tech Note S300-21: Coordinating Cold-Formed with Metal Buildings
Summary: This Technical Note presents a discussion of both the design responsibilities and the need for coordination when integrating field-framed, i.e., stick-built, cold-formed steel (CFS) framing with a metal building system. Important potential coordination topics connection details and design concepts are highlighted.
Disclaimer: Designs cited herein are not intended to preclude the use of other materials, assemblies, structures or designs when these other designs demonstrate equivalent performance for the intended use. CFSEI documents are not intended to exclude the use and implementation of any other design or construction technique.
Tech Note F140-16: Welding Cold-Formed Steel
Summary: In cold-formed steel construction, welding is a viable connection method. Of the various forms of welding, arc welding is most commonly used to join both cold-formed steel members and hardware components. Prefabrication of roof trusses, panelization of walls, and hardware connections are all ideal applications where welding may be the preferred joining method. This Tech Note provides information on the applicable codes, processes, procedures, design considerations, fabrication and inspection.
This Technical Note updates and replaces CFSEI Technical Note F140-10
Disclaimer: Designs cited herein are not intended to preclude the use of other materials, assemblies, structures or designs when these other designs demonstrate equivalent performance for the intended use. CFSEI documents are not intended to exclude the use and implementation of any other design or construction technique.
Tech Note 562-22: Powder-Actuated Fasteners in Cold-Formed Steel Construction
This Technical Note updates and replaces Tech Note 562
Summary: Power-actuated fasteners (PAF’s) are industry standard for attachment of cold-formed steel (CFS) steel framing members, usually track, to concrete, CMU or steel structural elements. “Power-actuated” is the broad category used to refer to fasteners which are driven directly through the CFS and into the substrate, using a powder, gas, compressed air or electro-mechanically driven tool. Efficient installation of framing systems is greatly enhanced by the use of PAF’s. For CFS-to-steel applications, the specification AISI S100 addresses all relevant limit states with equations and safety/ resistance factors. For CFS-to-concrete, limited guidance is provided but not all limit states are covered. This technical note will provide design guidance based on AISI S100, as well as installation and good detailing practice.
Disclaimer: Designs cited herein are not intended to preclude the use of other materials, assemblies, structures or designs when these other designs demonstrate equivalent performance for the intended use. CFSEI documents are not intended to exclude the use and implementation of any other design or construction technique.
Tech Note F501-11: Cold-Formed Steel Truss To Bearing Connections
Summary: This Technical Note is intended as general educational information and to highlight what the building designer should be aware of with regard to truss to bearing connections. Topics addressed include what loads due to wind truss to bearing connections may have to resist, who is ultimately responsible for truss to bearing connection design, general guidance on the design of truss to bearing connections, and an illustrative design example. Loads due to seismic forces are not addressed in this Technical Note.
Disclaimer: Designs cited herein are not intended to preclude the use of other materials, assemblies, structures or designs when these other designs demonstrate equivalent performance for the intended use. CFSEI documents are not intended to exclude the use and implementation of any other design or construction technique.
Tech Note 559: Design Considerations for Flexural and Lateral-Torsional Bracing
Summary: Load bearing cold-formed/light gauge steel (CFS/LGS) framed walls are typically designed for a combination of axial and lateral out-of-plane (flexural) loading. Under this loading condition, common C-section studs may be susceptible to local, torsional, flexural, torsional-flexural, lateral-torsional or distortional buckling. The response performance of the stud depends on a number of parameters most notably how it is supported along its length (including its ends), the relative magnitudes of the applied loads and the distribution of these loads. This Technical Note discusses the behavior of the typical wall stud and provides some practical considerations for design of torsional-flexural and lateral-torsional bracing. Recommendations and considerations suggested in this technical note are done in accordance with acceptable practices and existing design documents.
Disclaimer: Designs cited herein are not intended to preclude the use of other materials, assemblies, structures or designs when these other designs demonstrate equivalent performance for the intended use. CFSEI documents are not intended to exclude the use and implementation of any other design or construction technique.
Tech Note G105-22: Compression Member Reinforcement
Summary: To modify the capacity of a compression member, e.g. wall stud or truss web, adding a reinforcement may result in a non-prismatic member. This Tech Note provides guidance to evaluate the strength of a non-prismatic compression member.
Disclaimer: Designs cited herein are not intended to preclude the use of other materials, assemblies, structures or designs when these other designs demonstrate equivalent performance for the intended use. CFSEI documents are not intended to exclude the use and implementation of any other design or construction technique.
Tech Note B004-20: Introduction to Cold-Formed Steel Framing Standards
Summary: The AISI Committee on Framing Standards was established in 1998 with a mission to eliminate regulatory barriers and increase the reliability and cost competitiveness of cold-formed steel framing in residential and light commercial building construction through improved design and installation standards. This Tech Note summarizes the efforts and work products of the Committee.
Disclaimer: Designs cited herein are not intended to preclude the use of other materials, assemblies, structures or designs when these other designs demonstrate equivalent performance for the intended use. CFSEI documents are not intended to exclude the use and implementation of any other design or construction technique.
Tech Note G101-08: Design Aids and Examples for Distortional Buckling
Summary: The objective of this Tech Note is to provide design examples and design aids specific to cold-formed steel framing systems that address the new distortional buckling limit states added to AISI-S100 in the 2007 edition. In addition, a method is provided for including rotational restraint, provided by sheathing to members, in the design calculations for distortional buckling. This method has been proposed for the next edition of AISI-S210 (floors and roofs) and AISI-S211 (walls studs) standards and partially mitigates the reduced capacity in the distortional buckling limit state.
Note: This document was originally published as G100-08, corrected to G101-08 in April 2011.
Disclaimer: Designs cited herein are not intended to preclude the use of other materials, assemblies, structures or designs when these other designs demonstrate equivalent performance for the intended use. CFSEI documents are not intended to exclude the use and implementation of any other design or construction technique.