Webinar on Design Aids for Cold-Formed Steel CFSEI Tech Notes


Continuing Education Credits Available – 1.5 PDH Credits

To provide state-of-the art knowledge regarding the behavior and design of cold-formed steel members and connection CFSEI has updated 32 Tech Notes. These updates reflected both editorial corrections and changes in the design standards, AISI S100, North American Specification for the Design of Cold-Formed Steel Structural Members and AISI S240, North American Standard for Cold-Formed Steel Structural Framing. Typical design standards changes recognized an increased understanding of the technical nature of the behavior of cold-formed steel members and connections.

This webinar will cover overview of changes on the updated tech notes including:

  • General review of Tech Note L101-23, Design of Cold-Formed Steel Sheet and Wood Structural Panel Sheathed Shear Walls for Wind and Seismic Forces. This tech note provides an overview of low seismic and wind-controlled steel sheet and wood structural panel sheathed cold-formed steel framed shear wall designs
  • Detailed review of Tech Note F104-24, Design of Cold-Formed Steel Bearing Stiffeners. This review will discuss the design provisions for bearing stiffeners in AISI S100 and common methods for using bearings stiffeners in construction.
  • The new Tech Note W601, Design Methodology for Hole Reinforcement of Cold-Formed Steel Compression Members, presents thoughts regarding the reinforcing of either flange or web holes in cold-formed steel compression members. This webinar will provide an overview of this new Tech Note.



Roger LaBoube, Ph.D., P.E.
Cold-Formed Steel Engineers Institute

Roger LaBoube, Ph.D., P.E.Dr. Roger A. LaBoube is Curator’s Distinguished Teaching Professor Emeritus of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering and former director of the Wei-Wen Yu Center for Cold-Formed Steel Structures at the Missouri University of Science & Technology. Dr. LaBoube holds B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in Civil Engineering from the University of Missouri-Rolla. He has an extensive background in the design and behavior of cold-formed steel structures. His research and design activities have touched on many facets of cold-formed steel construction, including cold-formed steel beams, panels, trusses, headers, and wall studs as well as bolt, weld, and screw connections. Dr. LaBoube is active in several professional organizations and societies. He served as chairman of the American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI) Committee on Framing Standards and is an emeritus member of the AISI Committee on Specifications for the Design of Cold-Formed Steel Structural Members. He is a registered professional engineer in Missouri.

Daniel Stadig, P.E.
Sala O’Brien

Daniel Stadig, P.E.

Daniel Stadig, P.E. is Vice President at Salas O’Brien, a full-service engineering firm serving cold-formed steel (CFS) clients and alike across North America. He is a registered professional engineer with experience designing all conventional systems but has devoted his efforts to CFS framing since 2011.

Daniel focuses on providing integrated engineering and BIM services for Divisions 05400, 092116, 09226 and other related drawing and engineering scope needs to his CFS framing clients.

Daniel served as chair of the CFSEI Executive Committee and he continues to serve as a member of the CFSEI Executive Committee. He is also chairman of the CFSEI BIM Committee. Daniel served on the American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI) Committee on Specifications for the Design of Cold-Formed Steel Structural Members and is part of the AWCI inaugural Emerging Leaders group of 2022.

He holds a B.S. degree from Marquette University and an M.S. degree from Mississippi State University.

Jon-Paul Cardin, P.E.
The CFSteel Group

Jon-Paul Cardin, P.E.

Jon-Paul is the CEO and founder of The CFSteel Group. He is a licensed professional engineer with over 13 years in the steel construction industry. He previously served as a codes and standards engineer for the American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI). In this position, he represented the interests of the steel construction industry in the national codes and standards arenas. He also served on AISI Committee on Framing Standards and the AISI Committee on Specifications. Jon-Paul is active in the International Code Council (IBC, IRC), ASCE 7 and NFPA 5000. Before joining AISI, Jon-Paul served as the engineering manager for a steel framing manufacturer. He holds Bachelor of Science degrees in both Civil Engineering (Structural) and Mathematics from the University of Idaho.

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